
via Daily Prompt: Juicy

Juicy…at least it’s not moist.


Juicy like an overripe peach. Giving us an opportunity to teach.

They say, “Each one, teach one.”

I say, “Each one, empower one.”

Giving them the tools they need. The tools to succeed.

Lift them up before the masses. Not blindly handing out passes.

What you learn, you earn.

It cannot be taken away. You will have it for another day.

Knowledge is power. You are not a delicate flower.

Do more than merely exist. I challenge you to persist.

Do not always resist. Rather, learn to coexist.

Life is not all about you and me. Life is about learning to leave free.

They watch us every day. They see how we play.

We are not strangers in the night. All you have to do is cast the light.

Knowledge is power. You are not a delicate flower.

A warrior you were born to be, if only to me.

Like a juicy peach, who will you teach?


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